Fact Sheet 1 : An Introduction to NG911 Basics

Learn what NG911 is and the benefits this life-saving, cutting-edge technology will bring to your community.


Fact Sheet 2: NG911 Transition Overview

Discover what all is involved behind-the-scenes as 911 ACOG transitions to NG911 and how it impacts our 22 Emergency Communication Centers (ECCs).


Fact Sheet 3 : Next Generation Core Services Implementation Steps

Transition from the legacy, circuit-switched 911 system to the Emergency Services IP network (ESInet) is a heavy lift and will happen in phases. Find out the implementation steps for a seamless transition.


Fact Page 4 : Call-Handling Implementation

Learn about the call-handling implementation phases.


Brent Hawkinson

911 & Public Safety Director

NG911 Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about NG911.


NG911 Talking Points

NG911 Facts and Talking Points


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