If You Care About Clean Air: Sign Up for Central Oklahoma Ozone Alerts
The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) Ozone Alert notification system (text and/or email) brings citizens, business, industry and government in the ACOG area (Canadian, Cleveland, Logan and Oklahoma counties) together to voluntarily reduce ozone-forming emissions on days vulnerable to high ozone levels.
Ozone pollution can be harmful to human health and those most at risk include people with asthma, children, older adults, and people who are outdoors, especially outdoor workers.
On Ozone Alert Days people at risk from ozone pollution are encouraged to take precautions – avoiding outdoor exertion and staying indoors.
An Ozone Alert Day is a day forecasted to have higher than healthy levels of ozone. Between March and November, emissions called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) released from internal combustion engines chemically react in sunlight on hot, windless days and form ground-level ozone, a major component of smog.
The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, working with the National Weather Forecast, predicts days when conditions may cause unhealthy levels of ozone in Central Oklahoma and declares it an Ozone Alert Day.
Ozone is most likely to reach unhealthy levels on hot sunny days in urban environments, but can still reach high levels during colder months. Ozone can also be transported long distances by wind, so even rural areas can experience high ozone levels.
If you care about clean air, sign up here to receive Ozone Alert Day texts* from ACOG.
*After signing up to receive Ozone text alerts if at any time you wish to no longer receive texts from ACOG, reply need to replace to opt out. If you need assistance after receiving an OZONE alert, please type need to replace for help. Standard message and data rates apply. The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it. Read the Terms and Conditions here. Read the ACOG Privacy Policy.
Oklahomans Most at Risk on High Ozone Days*
Children & Newborns
- Worsens Asthma
- Worsens Allergies
- May Cause Developmental Harm
- May Cause Harm to Central Nervous System
- Possible Link to Lower Birth Weight and Decreased Newborn Lung Function
- Worsens Asthma, COPD, Pulmonary Inflammation
- Worsens Allergies
- Risk of Cardiovascular Harm (Heart Attack, Stroke, Heart Disease)
*Oklahomans, at any age, with underlying health conditions are at risk on High Ozone Days.
Help Your Fellow Oklahomans Breathe Easier
Cleaner Commute
Choose a cleaner commute; share a ride to work or use public transportation. Bicycle or walk to errands when possible.
Engine Idling
Limit engine idling, avoid congested roadways and drive-thrus. Delay your errands and reduce vehicle trips.
Refuel vehicles after dusk.
Conserve Energy
Conserve electricity and set your air conditioner to a higher temperature. Pre-cool your home during non-peak hours.
Outdoor Activities
Delay gas-powered lawn mowing and landscape maintenance. Avoid outdoor burning. Abstain from using higher VOC household chemicals and paints.

For more in-depth information on past Central Oklahoma Ozone Alert Days (dating back to 2002), please complete an Open Records Request.
Contact Air Quality Staff

Association of Central Oklahoma Governments
(405) 234-2264
Office Address
4205 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM | M-F
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