The Last Line of Defense

Oklahoma’s Rural Fire Program was established in the early 1980s and today helps ensure fire protection for the state’s rural regions. It establishes new fire departments where needed, assists all fire departments with equipment needs, grants, training, pumper service testing, insurance rate reductions, hydrant program and equipment specifications.

In a state where the average annual cost for suppressing fires has topped about $1 billion in recent years, Oklahoma firefighters are stretched. In recent years, thousands of rural fires have destroyed and damaged hundreds of Oklahoma homes.

Preventing and putting out fires is a costly business. Oklahoma’s regional councils of governments work diligently to build strong rural fire departments complete skilled firefighters and reliable equipment.

Funded by the Oklahoma Legislature through the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, the Councils of Government receive funding annually for each COG to provide rural fire coordinators to assist all of the 800-plus, mostly volunteer, fire departments throughout the state.

Vital Assistance

The ACOG Rural Fire Coordinator provides technical assistance to ACOG area Rural Fire Departments in the development of their equipment, communications system, and training programs and administers state & federal grant money to assist Rural Fire Departments in improving their fire protection capabilities.

This 2008 Freightliner was placed at the Choctaw Fire Department (FD) in September 2023 through the Firefighter Property Program (FPP). Choctaw firefighters installed all of the equipment in-house and painted the truck and this truck is now property of Choctaw Fire Department.

ACOG Rural Fire Defense Staff

Association of Central Oklahoma Governments

(405) 234-2264

Office Address

4205 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

8:30 AM – 5:00 PM | M-F

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