Transportation Safety in Central Oklahoma

ACOG is continually focused on providing safe and secure transportation systems for users in Central Oklahoma. This encourages local municipalities to improve the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure to reduce the number and severity of crashes, injuries, and fatalities of users.

ACOG holds a Call for Projects for the Surface Transportation and Block Grant Program (STBG-UZA) every fall, in which $1.8 to $2.7 million worth of federal funding is awarded to safety projects. These safety projects are 100% paid through this program. Some examples of eligible safety projects include new traffic lights, upgraded signalization of traffic lights, pavement markings, guardrails, flashing stop signs, pedestrian crossing signs, and more.

Every year, ACOG staff validates and updates the Regional Snow Route Map to ensure that motorists know the best route choices during winter storm events. This system of regional snow routes assists in providing better service and increased safety for all travelers within the region, including emergency vehicles, school buses, public transportation, and commercial vehicle traffic.

The Oklahoma Department of Transportation has a number of safety initiatives such as work zone safety awareness. Find out more on their website.

Crash Analysis

Although fatal and serious traffic crashes occur throughout the region, certain streets and intersections have been found to have higher than average death and injury crash rates.

Every five years, ACOG compiles a Regional Crash Data Analysis report to pinpoint crash hotspons, as well as a multi-year temporal and spatial patterns that provide valuable information to decision makers in need of prioritizing intersection improvements.

High Crash Areas in Oklahoma City

Map forthcoming

Traffic Counts

Traffic counts are a vital tool in understanding and managing the flow of vehicles throughout our region. These counts provide valuable data on the number of vehicles passing through specific locations, helping city planners, businesses, and developers make informed decisions about infrastructure investments, road improvements, and economic development opportunities.

In Central Oklahoma, traffic count data is regularly collected and analyzed to monitor traffic trends, identify areas with heavy congestion, and plan for future growth. This information is crucial for enhancing transportation efficiency, ensuring road safety, and supporting the sustainable development of our urban environment.

Regional Safety Action Plan

In 2023, ACOG was awarded a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) federal grant to develop a safety action plan. A Regional Safety Action Plan (RSAP) is a vital endeavor for Central Oklahoma. By establishing a framework, identifying priority areas, and implementing evidence-based strategies, ACOG aims to reduce vehicular crashes, injuries, and fatalities, ultimately ensuring the safety and well-being of the community. Ultimately, working towards a regional goal of Vision Zero.

Consultants Kimley-Horn, along with ACOG staff, have engaged with local executive leadership and public throughout the planning process. This has included a number of public interaction workshops and public meetings to gather feedback from residents in the region. The regional planning team, made up of local government staff and interested parties provided valuable support and comments during the planning process.

The 2017-2021 crash data from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO) was used to develop the High Injury Network (HIN). This analysis led to in-depth discussions with local government staff concerning solutions to these crash locations within selected corridors. A list of crash solutions for each type of crash category was developed for all communities to utilize in the future, as they strive to improve their major crash locations. These local improvements are designed to increase safety on our roads and lower the number of crashes, which cost lives, time, and money.

Read the Regional Safety Action Plan

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Pedestrian Safety Month

October is not just another month; it’s a time to shine a spotlight on an issue that deeply impacts our community – pedestrian safety.

In 2020, the National Highway Traffic Safey Administration (NHTSA) commemorated the first Pedestrian Safety Month to increase awareness of pedestrian safety, particularly as pedestrian fatalities have increased across the country.

Unfortunately, in 2021, there were 7,388 pedestrians killed in traffic crashes, a 12.5 percent increase from the 6.565 pedestrian fatalities in 2020. This is the highest since 1981.

In 2021 there were an estimated 60,577 pedestrians injured in traffic crashes, an 11 percent increase from 54,771 pedestrians injured in 2020. On average, a pedestrian was killed every 71 minutes and injured every 9 minutes in traffic crashes in 2021.

To help get the word out about pedestrian safety, ACOG coordinates messaging and events for Pedestrian Safety Month in Central Oklahoma. In 2024, the region celebrated Walk or Roll to School Day which encouraged students and parents to try walking to school or the bus stop as an alternative to driving.  ACOG will also present 3 Seconds Behind the Wheel, a documentary that follows the lives of eight drivers over 6 months using in-car cameras and tracking technology to monitor the often-hidden behavior of distracted drivers.

Watch for Me OK

Watch for Me OK is a community initiative from ACOG and supported by the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO). This campaign is more than road safety – it is a call to action, a commitment to each other, and a pledge to ensure local roads are safe for everyone.

Be a catalyst for change and join the movement. Explore the Watch for Me OK website, follow the campaign on social media, and spread the word. Together, Cenral Oklahoma can shift the road culture, ensuring that every journey is a safer, more secure one. Community involvement matters – join ACOG in making a positive impact on road safety through th epower of public awareness.

Follow Watch for Me OK

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Association of Central Oklahoma Governments

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4205 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

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