Envision Moore: Plan 2040

Envision Moore   Envision Moore The following presentation was made by Ava Zredan, Assistant Planner, City of Moore, at ACOG’s Areawide Planning and Technical Advisory Committee (APTAC) meeting, September 14, 2017. For more information, please contact...

Get Ready, Get Set, GoMaps

Through the use of two new mapping services, ACOG has greatly enhanced its ability to provide dynamic maps and data to both member local governments and the public at large. ACOG serves as a clearinghouse of regional data and these new tools – GoMaps and ArcGIS Online...

Planning for a healthy future

[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPBl04ub1oA]The City of Oklahoma City launched its latest comprehensive plan process in May. The goal of the plan is to ensure a healthy environment, community, and economy for its residents, with the understanding that the...
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